Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Facts you should know about HFMD

I think most of you would have heard of HFMD or Hand, foot and mouth disease by now. It regularly makes it to the front page of our local news and daycare centers by the dozens are ordered to close at the height of the spread.

Recently, my boy contracted this virus and was down with high fever for 3 days with ulcers in the throat. Subsequently, hb and I also caught the virus and went down together. Thankfully, our high fever last only 2 days but in those two days, my headache and fever were so severe, I thought my head was going to split and my body combust. It was horrible.

Here are some facts of HMFD that I never knew before now and thought I should share:

1. Yes, sadly adults can get this too. But on the bright side, we'll develop immunity from it. But like flu, it's not from all strains of this virus.

2.Blisters might only be present in the mouth, in our case, the throat. So checking of hands and feet might not work. High fever will be present in all cases.

3. (I'm going to write this in my own words so it's not clinical at all ) The virus spreads through saliva contact, such as sharing of cutleries, food and kissing. It is also present in the fecal matter so washing of hands thoroughly after each toilet visit is essential.

4. This virus is most infectious (i.e present in big amount) when the symptoms are present. However, as symptoms disappear, the virus continue to be present, in small amount, in our saliva and fecal matter for about 3-4 weeks. Now most people think their kids have recovered, no fever no symptoms, and sent them back to daycare but actually, it's not totally safe.

5. It is unlikely to spread between adults because we do not exchange saliva, unless we share food or kiss. It's unlikely you'll touch my fecal matter, I hope not, either. So when adults recover from symptoms, it's safe for them to return to work.

6. As it is a viral disease, antibiotics does not work. You can only boost your immunity and let your body fight it.

Some friends who were with us did not contract HFMD as the gym does check everyone before allowing anybody in. I can only conclude this, someone who had HFMD recently but recovered from symptoms was there in the gym. Only Aidan contracted it because he still has the habit of putting things in his mouth and sucking his fingers. So for our next one, you can be sure I'm gonna force the pacifier on her instead!

Lastly, I want to conclude by saying, virus is everywhere and no one is totally immune. We can't be obsessively paranoid. You decide what is best for you and your kid. You might want to hide them someplace where no virus can get to them but that's not very healthy for their well being either. Anyway, if they aren't exposed to these virus, chances are they'll get them later when they go to school anyway. Just adopt good hygiene, no sharing of food and utensils and wash your hands regularly.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Aidan's first happy meal

I think we hit a milestone. It's a sure sign that our boy's all grown up. His first Macdonald's Happy Meal! Daddy brought him to the new Sengkang pool and got him hotcakes happy meal after swimming and got the box to show for it.

He doesn't look that happy with his happy box here.

Now, this is much more fun than any happy meal!

Aidan loves to climb stairs, ladders, anything that can exercise his legs muscles. He literally gravitates towards any stairs or escalator.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Aidan in Toy Town

This is where we go almost every week during Aidan's playdate. When we went there for the first time, even I felt tremendously excited. Their kitchen sets are so fun! The toy toaster, microwave, kettle actually produce sounds, rotate almost like the real thing! So this deprived mommy had loads of fun exploring hehehe....but now mostly it's like a relax and chit chat session for the mommies while our kids go play in the safe, well padded environment =)