Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keeping up

It's really difficult to keep up with blogging these days. As they get older, and hitting less milestones, there're less things to blog about. But I think the main reason is due to the iphone. Ever since I got the iphone last dec, I've no need to use a camera anymore. I just use the one on the phone because it's so easy to edit and it takes only an instant to upload the pictures onto facebook which I feel was unneccesary to blog about it again. Of course, you can always say it's because of my laziness. Ooops.

But I will continue to try because I do this for Aidan. I just think it'll be so cool to one day be able to read all about himself haha.

Life will come full circle

Today, as I was trying to pick out pieces of fried beehoon off Aidan as he was feeding himself and clearing the huge mess on the table and on the floor, it suddenly reminded me of how it was like with my dear granny during her last days at the hospice.

Babies and toddlers were really not any different from an ageing elderly. Apart from their obvious cuteness and size, they and the elderly who are no longer mobile, are dependent on us in about the same ways. They all need to be fed, bathe and clothes, diapers need to be changed. Then it hit me.

That this role of me taking care of Aidan could very well be reversed in the future. Well...that is if I'm lucky enough. We all know that these days, we can't and shouldn't expect our kids these days to take care of us when we're old. Those who do are only setting themselves up for a huge disappointment. Of course that doesn't mean they shouldn't be grateful and appreciative of what we've done for them as parents, that's to be expected of all human beings isn't it? That we should be nice to people who are nice to us.

But of course we can all hope, that we'll be fortunate enough to be one of those who have good children whom we can depend on in the future to take care of us, just like how we are taking care of them now.