I always forget how bad the flies were and was again looking forward to the animal feedings. This morning, we went next door to Wonky Windmill Farm & Eco Park. We went into the reception, had some jam tasting, bought 2 bottles of jam, got our bag of feed and went outside into the hot sun. Yes, and be swarmed by the flies. Please remind me never to go in the summer again.
The piece of land where the animals are kept is quite a big one. They are nicely separated and there's a path where you can walk follow and it will lead you back to the house. As you go along, you can see the different types of animals and they are separated from the other species. There's not many of each species, more of the common ones and sometimes just one or two for the less common ones. I was very pleasantly surprised to see 2 lovely deers!
There's not many shots of Aidan cos mostly, he's trying to beat or run away from the flies.Then we were off to a much more pleasant place. The Margaret River Chocolate Factory! Rows upon rows of chocolate! Needless to say, Aidan was delighted. There were free samples and I think it was Aidan's first chocolate treat. He couldn't get enough of it. Have you met any kids who doesn't like choc?
"woah! I want more!" He's thinking.
To my surprise, their chocolate are really good! We bought lots to give away but I'm regretting we didn't buy enough for ourselves.Lunch at Duckstein Brewery!