Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Year on...

It's the week of Aidan's first birthday. I keep trying to think back on the same time last year and trying to remember how I was feeling then. I remember how very pregnant (read:fat) I was, skin on tummy was so tight that I constantly felt that I was going to burst. I also remember the little jabs that he gave from time to time. He was a good boy in the tummy and didn't gave me any painful punches at all! Either that or I was well-insulated with my fats.

Time really flies and I can't believe that my baby has grown so much. He's a baby no more but a budding toddler now. Sometimes I wish that I could just catch onto moments and hold them that way forever. (If only, I have Hiro's power to freeze time) Well, I'll just have to be satisfied with pictures.

I didn't take many pictures when I was preggers. Mainly those from the Japan trip.

This was taken the very night before my scheduled C-sect. We went for dinner at Streeters the tapas restaurant which I think is now closed.

A year on, see how much Aidan has grown. Pictures of now and then.

About 5 days old.

Pic taken in Jan 08.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

'Time flies' seems to be a huge understatement. How my lil cinderella has grown! ^^