Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Here's what greeted Aidan on the morning of his birthday.

Here's the first thing Aidan did when he woke. Tearing open his presents!

"What's this? I can't wait to find out!"

"Ooooh......I think I saw....."

"Thomas, my favourite steam engine! Thank you Aunty Miki" :)

"Waaaah.....another Thomas present. Thank you Aunty Amanda" :)

Trying to get to the Thomas stationery kit.

A look of fierce concentration and determination. "I must rip this paper off to reveal my next present!"

"Ooooh.....Another Thomas! Thank you Aunty Yuki" :)

Off to Gong Gong's house for lunch. Here's with Seth, his little cousin.

Aidan's very affectionate these days and very fond of kissing. I hope this phase last :) On second thoughts, they will probably hate me for this photo when they grow up haha.

Birthday cake from Emicakes. This is Mango although they are famous for their durian cakes. Has anyone tried their durian cakes?

Three of us.

Our Kiddos are TWO!

Time flies. They're two. Here is the first birthday celebration of their playdates, Anri and Ranielle, the two girls in the middle. Both of their birthdays fall in September so they hosted the celebration together.

Then last week, Ryo, Grace and Aidan hosted theirs. Ryo's birthday is in late October, whereas Grace and Aidan's are in November.

It was so difficult to get all 5 of them to look at the camera. Their respective mommies were all screaming their names all at the same time. Can you imagine the din we were causing in the restaurant? haha.

Grace, Ryo and Aidan, the birthday kids standing and leaning in, marveling at the ice cream cake.

This is like the best picture except for Aidan still looking down at the cake.

After that, they all went for water play. They were thrilled and sooo happy. Lovely to see kids playing and laughing with pure joy. You don't see Grace as she was "water-shy".

Aidan kept trying to hold on to the water like it's solid.

Still holding on as the water retreated. Silly boy :P
And I made this (on behalf of the other 2 hosts as well) for everyone to take home. Forgot to take a picture of all the frames together. It's now on my fridge and I hope the others have theirs on their fridge too :)

Aidan and Us at a wedding

Last month, we attended a wedding of a dear couple friend of ours at the Sentosa Amara Sactuary. It was a lovely wedding and a nice getaway from the main island. We even stayed over for the night, compliments from the wedding couple.

Here are some nice shots of Us and Aidan.

All dressed up and ready to go to the ballroom.
Daddy looking smart in his No.1 uniform as it was going to be a military style march-in. He said it's his last chance wearing it. Good thing there's such a wonderful occasion for us to take nice pictures of him in it.

Nice rare shot of Aidan not having his two fingers in his mouth.

One of my favourite shot with Aidan. Because he's leaning on my shoulders (he usually doesn't do that).

Nice candid shot of Aidan looking cute :)

Aidan, who hardly ever falls asleep anywhere other than in his cot or carseat, is knocked out here. I was very surprised he was pretty ok throughout the whole traditional chinese dinner and that we didn't have to return to the room early and miss dinner.