Sunday, November 15, 2009

Aidan and Us at a wedding

Last month, we attended a wedding of a dear couple friend of ours at the Sentosa Amara Sactuary. It was a lovely wedding and a nice getaway from the main island. We even stayed over for the night, compliments from the wedding couple.

Here are some nice shots of Us and Aidan.

All dressed up and ready to go to the ballroom.
Daddy looking smart in his No.1 uniform as it was going to be a military style march-in. He said it's his last chance wearing it. Good thing there's such a wonderful occasion for us to take nice pictures of him in it.

Nice rare shot of Aidan not having his two fingers in his mouth.

One of my favourite shot with Aidan. Because he's leaning on my shoulders (he usually doesn't do that).

Nice candid shot of Aidan looking cute :)

Aidan, who hardly ever falls asleep anywhere other than in his cot or carseat, is knocked out here. I was very surprised he was pretty ok throughout the whole traditional chinese dinner and that we didn't have to return to the room early and miss dinner.


celest said...

great family picture - looks like one of those from movies.. hehe. Military man with his beautiful wife and handsome kid :) happy family.


Aggieb said...

heehee...thanks for the multi compliments Celest :)