If I hear another person telling my baby to stop sucking on his fingers, I'm gonna lose it.
Babies are born with almost no control over any bodily functions. The only thing they are born with is the strongest urge to suckle, for their survival. Later on, they learn that sucking gives them extreme comfort and hence they use it to self soothe and regulate their own emotions. Isn't it amazing that at this age, they are able to find the ability to do this by themselves? It's nature. Babies start sucking their thumbs in their mothers' womb, for crying out loud.
We tried to give Aidan the pacifier but he never took to it. He prefers his fingers. I realise Aidan suckles when he feels tired and irritable, when he is in a strange environment, or when he meets someone that he feels uncomfortable with. So if he sees you and he starts sucking on his fingers, you are probably the problem. Hah!
Trying to stop a baby from using a pacifier or his fingers is like telling you not to scratch yourself when you feel the itch. It's cruel, not to mention that you are depriving the child of his basic needs. It's their coping machanism and you can't force them not to use it!
I can't stress enough on the psychological damage of any sort of deprivation. In this case, this oral fixation will surely come back in the form of something else later on. I should know, I studied child psychology.
I can tell, from observation of him and other children, that Aidan has a stronger need than most for this. When he was in my belly, he could be seen constantly moving his mouth everytime we took the scans. The first time I saw him, he was moving his mouth. That's just how he is. I am his parent and if I'm not worried, I don't see why others should. Let him grow out of it at his own pace or until I feel he's ready to be weaned please.