Monday, October 6, 2008

No threesome in bed

The downside to having your baby sleeping by himself, in his cot and in his own room is that you'll miss him terribly at night. Maybe it's because when asleep, he looks so angelic that you forget that bundle of energy that would make us exhausted in the day. Perhaps it's because you just want to share that peace and quiet with him that is never there in his waking hours. Or maybe it's because....well, who can resist those chubby and succulent thighs! hehe...

So being one of the rare mums who could get her baby to sleep on his own without fuss every night, I was surprised to find myself getting envious of mummies who have their babies in bed with them. So we couldn't help but tried to bring him to bed with us. We tried thrice. All three of us ended up not able to sleep. Aidan was confused and kept trying to sit up then fall over as he was half asleep. Used to the space he had in his cot, he would roll, turn and flip around and mostly ended on top of us. We were either too amused or too afraid of crushing him that we couldn't sleep either. much for getting him to sleep on his own :)

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